Filter Sheets - 20 cm x 20 cm (0.45 Micron)


20cm x 20cm filter pads made for 20x20 plate filters. Pads rated 0.45 micron remove 99.999% of bacteria. This pad is the right choice when you want to promote sterility in the bottle, although do please note that the pad does not remove 100% of bacteria - only a cartridge filter can do so.

The filters can be sterilized by in-line steam, autoclaving, dry heat, hot water or chemical methods. We choose to run Saniclean (CL27) solution through the pads followed by sterile water or a small amount of wine that is then discarded. After the solution is run through the pads, and the pads have softened, the filter will need to be re-tightened.

Each pad has an entry side and an exit side, distinguishable by their different textures. The entry side is a billowy type texture, frequently called the "rough" side; and the exit side has a crosshatch pattern and is commonly called the "smooth" side.


$64.99 to $999.99
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Filter Sheets - 20 cm x 20 cm (0.45 Micron)

Filter Sheets - 20 cm x 20 cm (0.45 Micron)



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Filter Sheets - 20 cm x 20 cm (0.45 Micron)

Filter Sheets - 20 cm x 20 cm (0.45 Micron)

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