Great Western Mela Malt

Great Western Malt Mela Malt
  • Great Western Malt Mela Malt
  • Great Western Malt Mela Malt


Rich, full and mellow. Mela malt gives a toasted biscuit flavor and a mouthfeel worthy of contemplation around a campfire.

Our Mela malt is created with attention to modification and flavor development. By combining recirculated air with intensive kilning, Mela contributes a uniquely complex malt-forward flavor.

Flavor Profile

Slightly sweet, malty, slightly toasted, biscuit

Typical Uses
Red ale, Scotch ale, Bock, Doppelbock, Dubbel, Dunkel and more


Origin North America
SRM (Color) 30.0
ASBC Color 30°
Moisture (%) 4.4%
Protein (%) 12.0%
Extract FG, Dry Basis 81.0%
Rate Up to 40%
Geography Northwest
$2.99 to $79.99
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Great Western Mela Malt

Great Western Mela Malt

Light brown biscuit-toast aromatic malt. This flavorful non-crystallized malt contributes mouthfeel and malt complexity to amber-colored and darker beers.



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Great Western Mela Malt

Great Western Mela Malt

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